Monday, June 25, 2012

Back Again...Maybe.

It's been ages since I last sat to write anything apart from applications, Either for a position or for something not as fun. Anyway, I'm glad I am here now its been a two year hibernation from something that actually brought me a lot of laughs. A lot has happened in two years mainly, the world (or human race, your choice) drawing closer to self annihilation with every passing day. I've come this far wondering why everything seems so wrong (or right; Its all a matter of opinion!)The chaos I witness daily has taught me not to be complacent...The world is in a state of flux and like metal fillings affected by a magnet, we are constantly drawn one way or the other. We owe ourselves the duty of giving our best...there is always something to give, no matter how small. I actually feel good write now and I must thank my friend for pushing me to write; it seems a bit tedious, but it sure helps!