Thursday, January 15, 2009


I am Nigerian and loving it daily.
Funny it seems when you are down thats when loved ones say hurtful things.
crazy how things get from all clear and concise to fuzzy and stark.
well, I'm undergoing a most visible transformation and the good part is I am repositioning myself and building on my strengths. Downside, losing 'friends'.
Got a new swagger, shed some weight and getting into my work.
I had my first assignment outside Lagos, stressful, yes , but fulfilling and definitely what i'll do again.
Right now, I'm at the office, its my day off but I feel so full of stuff that I want to let out.
So I'll get back you' sometime...

Monday, January 12, 2009

I thought...

I thought we were friends...
Thought there was more...
Thought I was special just as you are to me...
Thought I...
I'll be waiting...
I did not know I was just a conquest,
Hope you are satisfied?
Let me know when you feel we are pals again.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


You know how it is when you say something without thinking, words do not break bones but used wrongly could lead to that. This is for that friend that I've annoyed, you know who you are, I was wrong and no matter, I should have thought before shooting and see where it got me. So hope you consider this one of those things that strenghten friendships and hope you don't hold this against me.Waiting...

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Its funny how one goes from hero to villain.In the blink of an eye. I smile but sincerely it ain't funny. For you my friend,I'll be here whenever...